NZOHA Launch, Awards and AGM

Thank you for joining us for our first educational event. The day included lectures from very accomplished speakers, company displays, the first NZOHA AGM and Oral Health Practitioner of the Year Awards. All concluded with music, drinks, canapés and association awards. 

We had a wonderful day and we hope you did too!

When: Saturday 30th July - all day

Where: Aotea Centre, Auckland

Thank you to our speakers

Megan Sharpe

RDA, HBDI Cert Practitioner / General Manager – Practice Solutions (Prime Practice ANZ)

​Dr Mo Al- Dujaili

BDS (Otago), DClinDent (Ortho) (Otago), MRACDS (Orth), MOrth RCS (Edinburgh)

​Kelly Burrowes

​Assoc Prof Ali Mirjalili

Thank you to our event sponsors

Thank you to our award sponsors

Congratulations to all of the winners of the 2022 Oral Health Practitioner Awards

We honoured the NZDOHTA and NZDHA life members at the AGM

And presented a special award for Outstanding Commitment & Service To The New Zealand Dental Hygienists’ Association

Photos of the day

Exhibiting Companies

Dental companies have the perfect opportunity to showcase their products and advancements to the dental community at this event. Company reps are excited to discuss what they have to offer in person with our event attendees. Dental Therapist, Oral Health Therapists and Dental Hygienists advocate for prevention keep up today with new products. 


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